We were first thinking of titling this post "6 Quick and Dirty Tips for Home Remodeling." But we take pride in making sure any remodeling we do for homes, from a simple kitchen remodel to putting in new rooms, is done cleanly - and only as quickly as still allows us the time to do the best job. So consider these 6 tips about home remodeling in Los Angeles, CA as "Timely and Clean" tips!
Adding on a room is a large task, but one that can make a huge difference in how you use your home. Sometimes, adding on a room is a better option than purchasing a whole new house because you need extra space. However , add-on rooms can present a problem if your house has a standard central heating and air conditioning system. Expanding the ducts to the room is extra work—and it may require redoing the whole HVAC system. But this doesn’t need to be a deal-breaker: a ductless mini split can provide quality cooling and heating to the new space without affecting the rest of the HVAC system.
Working with our professionals ensures any remodeling project is completed on a time table. But we recommend you schedule out the time even before contacting us. Look over your calendar and pinpoint a place where its convenient to have extensive work done in your home.
You understand your own budget better than anybody. But unless you’re already a home remodeling professional, you won’t have a solid idea of what a planned project will cost—and searching for estimates on the internet will confuse the issue more. Have our experts give you an estimate before you make the commitment.
Here’s a “good neighbor policy” courtesy tip. Tell your neighbors about your remodeling plans, especially if they involve extensive work on the outside of your house. You don’t want to make somebody angry later on down the road!
Since you’re already on our website, we know you’re looking to hire an experienced contractor to do the remodeling work. This is absolutely as it should be—you can’t go DIY with these jobs if you want them done right and on time, and you won’t end up saving money. Make sure you vet any contractor you’re thinking of hiring: ask for references from satisfied clients. We can provide you with a long list of satisfied customers!
When you have an idea for a remodeling project, you’ll probably be so excited you want to snap your fingers and have it completed on the instant. But excellent work takes time. If you’re patient and take the right steps, you should end up with a finished job that will last for as long as you continue to live in your house. A couple months of patience in exchange for years and maybe decades of enjoying the results.
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